Charlie, Jamie, Jack, and Emmie Smith

Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Each time I visited Sweet Water, my grandmother and I used to sit in front of her china cabinet and talk about traditions. She would tell me stories about the friends and family members that gave her each piece. They were not just dishes to her; they were fond memories of her wedding, sweet meaningful people in her life, and important events for which she served with them...Christmases, Easter Dinners, Birthdays, and Family Gatherings. They began to mean the same to me as well. She always told me I could have her set when I "grew up." I could not wait for the day that I would be grown up enough to have her treasured pattern. When I bought my first house, my dad gave me her china. Seeing it in my china cabinet was a constant beautiful reminder of her love for her family and friends.
I have had so many people ask me why I wanted to open a china shop. And this is why; I want to be a part of and see people start their very own traditions and pick out patterns that reflect their personality. I love seeing people find that perfect set and knowing it will be a part of their homes for years to come.


Anonymous said...

I love this post, James. It is awesome!